
Thank you for your response!

Your survey has been received, and we are grateful for your feedback. Because you firmly believe in government accountability and fiscal responsibility, we’d like to ask you one more thing… 

The reach of government into our daily lives has grown in ways that would shock our nation’s Founders. As Americans, we continue to benefit from their vision of limited government, delegated powers and the belief in the ultimate authority of The People to govern themselves. But this vision is slowly being eroded.  

Since 1987, the Badger Institute’s mission has been to promote public policies in Wisconsin that produce freedom, opportunity and prosperity for every person in the state. Our just-published Mandate for Madison provides state policymakers with a policy blueprint for achieving these goals. Our journalism focuses on issues ignored by the legacy media. And our advocacy informs lawmakers of the reforms and principles that can make Wisconsin the best place to live, work and raise a family. 

The font, exterior cover of Badger Institute’s Mandate for Madison

Why Your Support is Essential

We accomplish all of this through the generosity of Wisconsinites who share our belief in limited government, educational opportunity, economic prosperity and human dignity. The Badger Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that accepts no money from the government. This allows us to retain our independence and serve as an objective, principled voice for hard-working, freedom-loving Wisconsinites – like you. 

Your tax-exempt contribution will allow us to continue to provide the research, reporting and advocacy that’s critical to the preservation of the legacy we’ve inherited as a result of American ideals. 

Please consider partnering with the Badger Institute as we work to hold government responsible in the never-ending fight for freedom.

Special offer: With a gift of $30 or more, you will receive a copy of our Mandate for Madison, an ambitious, thoroughly researched, reform-filled policy roadmap that we’re sharing with state policymakers. Your donation will help us distribute, promote and educate the public about our recommendations for improving Wisconsin’s tax structure, expanding school choice, enhancing public safety, providing affordable health care and funding our roads – all from a free-market perspective.