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- What you want from Wisconsin in 2025
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- Mandate for Madison
- New legislative resolve is building to pursue nuclear energy
- New Wisconsin bill directly solves the problem with growing healthcare costs
- Wisconsinites’ health is deteriorating: Madison needs to wake up
- To what extent are school districts losing teachers they want?
- Why the Badger Institute supports AB1 and reversing the DPI testing charade
- Wisconsin student enrollment and teacher staffing trends
- Legislators want to give tens of millions of free lunches to students who don’t need them
- Founding Fathers would cheer Trump Administration’s concern about federal grants
- Supreme battle shaping up over voter ID
- Emergency ended; so should federal spending spree, says Johnson
- The naked truth about Wisconsin’s crazy meth infestation
- A great deal of power is at stake in spring election for Wisconsin-wide schools post
- The perils of making law without lawmakers
- Port Washington data center plans put spotlight on Wisconsin power supply
- EPA is about to tell industry to flee greater Milwaukee
- Wisconsinites’ changing demographics challenge government’s racial silos
- What Wisconsinites really want in 2025
- Act 10 was a godsend for property taxpayers
- State Preservation Board does historic pivot on 100 East
- Metrics show free-market reforms lead to broad prosperity in Wisconsin
- Act 10 becomes a front-burner issue — along with billions in savings, lower costs to local governments, and better pay for excellent teachers
- Political rhetoric on trade poses risks to Wisconsin
- Wisconsin’s burdensome childcare rules hurt parents’ pockets
- Exclusive: 2025 policy and legislative plan
- The harm of guaranteed basic income
- Milwaukee aside, police ranks recovering across Wisconsin
- Wisconsin: the GOAT of dairy goats
- Justice has gotten swifter in Wisconsin; observers see room for more improvement
- Justice Gorsuch, we have an update for you
- Cannabis citation rates differ widely in small sample of Wisconsin communities
- MPS stiff-arms cops in schools as allegations of robbery and assault mount
- DPI fabricates testing miracle — but doesn’t help Wisconsin kids read
- Jagler: MPS could pay a price for cop recalcitrance
- The dawn of viable small modular nuclear reactors — and why Wisconsin should care
- Wisconsin should listen to its people: Link FoodShare to work
- Work requirement waivers increased FoodShare caseloads and costs in Wisconsin
- “Free” Milwaukee streetcar costing over $5 million annually
- Badger Institute issues new statement on Rich Lowry
- Government overregulation stymies broadband buildout in rural Wisconsin
- AEI report: Harris’ housing plan will cost Milwaukee home buyers thousands
- Hot demand for houses runs into Dane County’s Land of No
- More headway on increasing nuclear power
- Badger State dominates plummeting U.S. mink production
- Milwaukee moves, but slowly, to deal with underused buildings
- Milwaukee’s strange hero in a politically violent time
- Clean energy, governor? We have some reading on that
- Minnesotans cite taxes, rules as they flee to Wisconsin
- Misers v. Big Spenders — and where the Badger State fits in
- A response to National Review
- How Wisconsin could triple its nuclear power
- Policy Brief: Could Wisconsin eliminate its income tax?
- How Michigan is going nuclear again
- Why certain Wisconsinites feel particularly poor (or rich)
- Minnesota and Illinois losing billions in income as residents flee high taxes
- If we lose the Electoral College, we lose the country
- Policy Brief: Legal cannabis’ impact on physical and mental health
- Milwaukee Historic Preservation Commission’s focus should be a thing of the past
- Fourteen months after deal with Legislature, still no cops in MPS schools
- Prairie-chickens and the land-eating solar industry
- Wisconsin students can easily walk away from two-year colleges
- The end of Wisconsin’s two-year colleges?
- More evidence we need to shut off the federal spigot
- Microsoft underpromising on what will be massive development
- Odds of political contribution from a UW-Madison humanities or social science prof going to Republican: 1 in 530
- Government heat pump subsidies in Wisconsin will lead to higher costs for homeowners
- Opponents of constitutional amendments use tornado scare tactics — don’t believe them
- Four companies step up to make homes affordable for Sheboygan County workers
- Your job will help your neighbor’s kid flourish
- Policy Brief: Not your grandfather’s weed
- Thirteen reasons to vote ‘Yes’ on Aug. 13 constitutional amendments
- Backers of Wisconsin business courts fret for future of experiment
- Documentary premiere at RNC touts Glover’s lasting blow for liberty
- What to know about Wisconsin’s constitutional amendment vote
- Policy Brief: Tax rates, state revenue and markets for marijuana
- Preserving history or just tax breaks?
- Wisconsin needs to crank up electricity supply
- Even after ‘unwinding’ spike in Medicaid, Wisconsin sees more people on government program than before pandemic
- Wisconsin less disastrous than most places in America
- From the desk of President Mike Nichols
- Crisis in Wisconsin higher education – Innovate or close
- Tiny and terrifying: Why some feel threatened by Wisconsin’s parental choice programs
- Milwaukee Public Schools’ referendum will sap aid from other Wisconsin districts
- The top to bottom failure of Wisconsin’s prison system
- DPI says Wisconsin students are now “developing” rather than failing
- Gov. Evers silent on call to intervene in MPS
- Gov. Evers needs to intervene in MPS, says former superintendent
- UW-Madison losing one of few conservative professors
- Marriage: The old-fashioned, secret path to happiness and prosperity
- Wisconsin’s $78.65 million charging-station giveaway
- An acknowledgment of the gift of America
- Yet another SDC scandal points to deeper, systemic issues at Milwaukee social services agency
- The cold, hard facts about the cost of eliminating fossil fuels in Wisconsin
- The Parent Revolution: Q&A with Corey DeAngelis
- Why do Democrats fear the facts about DEI?
- The cost of outlawing fossil fuel heat in Wisconsin
- Wisconsin Scouts increasingly running into closed school doors
- What Wisconsin’s constitutional amendments mean for big government spending
- Five surprising facts about the Wisconsin economy: Experiencing the benefits of free market reforms
- Minnesotans fleeing to western Wisconsin
- Barely one bill in 10 becomes law in Madison
- The many ways Wisconsinites will pay and pay for other people’s student debt
- UW tenure hysteria was unwarranted
- Wisconsin voters approved majority of school tax-hike requests last Tuesday
- Will government’s heavy hand make business “Go Galt”?
- From the desk of Mike Nichols
- Wisconsin taxpayers besieged with Tuesday school referendum requests
- Chronic Absenteeism remains extremely high in districts across Wisconsin
- Settled: Pandemic school lockdowns hurt Wisconsin kids badly and were pointless
- State representative calling for audit of the Milwaukee Public Schools
- Residents of Glidden and Jacobs a rare breed — and getting rarer
- MPS enrollment, often overstated, has plummeted 42% since peak
- Milwaukee’s list of half-used school buildings rises to 21
- Badger Institute urges “no” vote on MPS referendum
- Voters will decide if legislators get say over federal spending
- Number of half-used MPS buildings up to at least 20
- Many MPS students are chronically absent
- Where the hell is Yuba?
- Former MPS superintendent critical of $252 million referendum
- UW skirting law and undermining racial equality
- Letter to the editor: Millville article was not about free markets
- The amazing $100 million story of Aug Prep and school choice
- Another reason to vote “no” on MPS’ big $252 million referendum
- Plan to prop up Wisconsin newspapers sets off alarm bells
- New Wisconsin bill directly solves the problem with growing healthcare costs
- Questions arise about legitimacy of plan to give every Wisconsin newborn money for college
- Wisconsin employers’ outlook is gloomy, and that’s a warning
- As Milwaukee Public Schools seek $252 million more from taxpayers, a look at district’s spending, enrollment and staffing history
- New school funding bill would eliminate indirect reliance on property taxes for choice and charter schools
- Policy Brief: Legalizing cannabis likely means more disordered, harmful use, other states show
- Lock up the tortfeasors!
- Governor signs dental therapy reform long backed by Badger Institute
- Deeply rural Millville isn’t coming back — and likes it that way
- It’s simple: parents know best
- Jones Act is both a boon and a bane to Wisconsin
- A practical path out of poverty
- Legislators turn up heat on Wisconsin home bakers
- Badger Institute’s response to Wisconsin Right Now
- Medical marijuana: What we know, what we don’t
- Policy Brief: Marijuana legalization’s workforce impact looks positive
- Minimum markup: Could Wisconsin spend less, live better and be freer?
- Unshakable trust in each other defines a smaller Chaseburg
- Wisconsin ranks 14th in attempt to foretell social mobility
- Policy Brief: What research shows about marijuana legalization and rates of use
- The real world intrudes for a moment at UW-Madison
- In Act 10 fight, unions don’t just want you to pay — they want power
- The many problems with Republicans’ latest childcare bill
- Legal attack on school choice threatens Public School Open Enrollment
- Government Scrooges take cut of Christmas tree trade
- Entrepreneurial dough: Just what stagnant Wisconsin kneads to rise up
- Dental Therapy: A cure for Wisconsin’s oral care woes
- Policy Brief: Marijuana legalization and the impact on public safety
- The poor, powerless casualties of Wisconsin’s school choice lawsuit
- Years after pandemic, Evers spending ARPA money on soccer and a railroad museum
- Evers administration seeking Wisconsin Amtrak expansion
- Congressman Steil tries to save City of Milwaukee from further waste and embarrassment
- Wisconsin’s school choice programs serve students with disabilities
- Conservatives push for colorblind UW System
- Good riddance to the ‘one way of teaching’
- The suspect value of Wisconsin emissions testing
- Federal strings determined the timing of Hop’s unfinished L-Line
- Badger Institute statement of guiding principles on energy research
- Congressman Gallagher issues stark warning
- Hard to win over Wisconsinites if your only argument is ‘shut up’
- Why the Badger Institute opposes SB435 (2023)
- Tax cuts working for Iowa; Wisconsin left standing still
- Protesters at Madison Black conservatives event expose selves and progressive desperation
- What to do about progressive icon and eugenicist Charles Van Hise
- Innovators stifled by current healthcare system
- Delay in removing ineligible Medicaid recipients costs Wisconsin taxpayers hundreds of millions
- What if Wisconsin stopped making childcare pointlessly costly?
- Fraudsters scammed billions in pandemic unemployment funds
- Overregulated Childcare: Wisconsin’s 2023-’25 biennial budget and the path ahead
- What happens when Wisconsin emergency responders can’t respond?
- DPI ‘equity’ speakers talk revolution; Wisconsin parents just want their kids to be able to read
- The Journal Sentinel gets its comeuppance
- Let’s talk real facts about pot in Wisconsin
- Criminal enforcement of marijuana laws uncommon in many Wisconsin counties
- State school bureaucracy brings in high-profile leftists to teach Wisconsin teachers about ‘equity’
- The Hop route is ‘expanding’ — why now?
- What Americans believe about the American Dream
- No cause for panic: Wisconsin surplus safe from federal clawback
- Increased choice funding — and Ramirez family’s generosity — will help thousands flourish
- Governor keeps alive possibility of local bans on fossil fuels
- SNAP is a larded, sugary mess
- Don’t snuff out wedding barns, Badger Institute and other groups tell Wisconsin Legislature
- Years of conservative gains could unravel as Protasiewicz joins Wisconsin Supreme Court
- One Badger Institute staffer’s personal experience with the Kia Boyz crime wave
- Sorry, but retirees shouldn’t get special tax treatment
- It’s long past time to end Wisconsin’s minimum markup law
- Reactions to Evers’ veto show how a flat income tax frustrates a divide-and-ransack strategy
- Wisconsin students’ guide to college debt decisions
- Wisconsin needs an explicit constitutional amendment to rein in gubernatorial goofiness
- UW DEI staff salvaged by Evers’ veto
- Wisconsin budget misses mark on best oral care solution — dental therapy
- Celebrating Wisconsin’s step toward swifter criminal justice
- Evers vetoes historic reforms to Wisconsin income tax rates
- Wins on justice, education and taxes are only the start of Wisconsinites’ work
- Virtually all Wisconsinites already have internet access. Are fastest speeds now a right?
- Why — and how — Gov. Evers should sign off on Wisconsin’s big tax cuts
- The other problem with UW DEI programs: They don’t work
- The top three reasons to cut Wisconsin’s top tax rate
- With school choice deal, Wisconsin matches parents’ passion for their kids
- Personal property taxes: More trouble than they’re worth
- A huge step toward sustainable school funding equality
- Deal puts police back on duty to protect Milwaukee Public Schools
- Wisconsin (and Iowa) can rule
- Lawmakers halt Evers’ broadband binge
- UW-Milwaukee graduation numbers for Black students plummet even further
- Why public school-goers support choice
- Natural gas and regulation in Wisconsin: a policy brief
- From the desk of Mike Nichols
- State landlords hit hard by eviction moratorium
- At home with politically incorrect language
- Licensing reform gains momentum in Wisconsin Legislature
- When parents choose a public school with more options for their children, the state provides less money. Why?
- Violence has progressives bringing cops back to schools
- Coalition of free market healthcare advocates includes Badger Institute
- Supreme politicization: Should we appoint Wisconsin Supreme Court justices?
- Legislature protects Milwaukeeans from $15-per-rider fare-free trolley folly
- Medicaid: Wisconsin’s budget buster
- Debate over gas stoves moves to front burner
- State lawmakers want cops back in Milwaukee Public Schools
- Gov. Evers’ wide world of diversity, equity and inclusion
- Economist vindicates Act 10 and common sense
- Study: A flat-rate income tax would spur growth and opportunity
- It’s time to put away progressive taxes, Wisconsin
- Why a limited government Institute supports increased government spending
- Economics of the fist: Unions favor telling to asking with Wisconsin’s right to work
- Why should food stamps be forever stamps?
- Latest crime figures show a Milwaukee in trouble
- Wisconsin lawmakers in the dark on broadband
- The underfunded part of Wisconsin public schooling
- If we don’t pay for roads, we don’t get mobility
- Assembly Speaker calls for tolling to fund Wisconsin infrastructure
- Foreseeing the Future of Wisconsin’s Flat Tax
- Safety Net Fact Sheet
- Amid illiteracy, where was the urgency?
- Calls to Police from MPS High Schools Up Dramatically Again
- Another reason, governor, to cut those top tax rates
- State fails to document billions in federal funds
- Analysis: Republicans approve audit to address state licensing delays
- What parents need to save their sons
- Former Wisconsinites Bask in Florida’s Low-Tax Climate
- Those who pay for pavement set the width
- Analysis: Children’s mental health and the curious case of crisis spending
- Economic Trends Fact Sheet
- LeMahieu talks flat tax with Badger Institute
- Wisconsin voters will be asked about welfare work requirements
- A state without convictions
- Early Childcare Fact Sheet
- Why Wisconsin needs a flat tax and education reform
- Poll: Many Wisconsinites unclear on how state taxes compare to neighbors
- Transportation Funding Fact Sheet
- MPS Police Ban Detrimental to Milwaukee Students
- State needs greater transparency, clarity
- Not bigger, just better
- Gov. Evers Listening Tour: How to do the right thing
- Dental Therapy Fact Sheet
- Licensing Fact Sheet
- Local pols filling old budget holes with massive COVID aid
- A leftist canard shot down — and why Wisconsin should worry about its GDP
- Badger Institute Survey on Government Spending
- Choice Stories
- Lessons in liberty
- Criminal Justice Fact Sheet
- Tax Reform Fact Sheet
- School Choice Fact Sheet
- This is not four years ago
- Billions in federal spending in Wisconsin unaudited; results never measured
- A Flat Tax in Wisconsin Can Deliver Tax Relief for Everyone
- What else are they wrong about?
- Wisconsin didn’t ‘buck national trends’
- Want to Cut Crime? Support the Police.
- Spending millions to spend billions
- How you get faster prosecution: Pay for it
- Why Wisconsin’s talking about flatter, fairer taxes
- Preface: Toward a More Prosperous Wisconsin
- President’s Note: Time to Act
- Why Milwaukee Needs to Get Cops Back in Schools
- Minimum Markup: The Price is Not Right
- How “Free” Federal Money Costs Wisconsinites Control Over Their Government
- Free-Market Reforms Will Make Wisconsin Thrive
- Give Every Wisconsin Family the Power to Choose the Best Education
- Saving Money, Encouraging Work and Improving Safety Through More Rigorous Electronic Monitoring
- The Thinning Blue Line: Milwaukee Police Department’s Attrition Crisis
- Toward Swifter Justice: Overburdened Prosecutors and Public Defenders Linked to Wisconsin Court Backlogs
- A Tale of Two States: Wisconsin Crime Trends, 2017-2022
- Wisconsin’s Criminal Justice System Failing
- Off Track: An Assessment of Wisconsin’s Early Care and Learning System for Young Children
- Common-sense Healthcare Reforms for Wisconsin
- “Choice schools have a higher standard”
- Dental Therapy Can Fill Gaps in Care and Access
- School choice helps family rebound after tragedy
- For a New Civil Society
- Wisconsin’s Economy: A Comparative Study
- Increasing Minimum Wage Simply Doesn’t Help
- Occupational Licensing: Get Out of the Way of Work
- The Other Numbers
- How to Future-proof Wisconsin’s Highway Funding
- Think of them as ‘make better choices’ schools
- Expungement: A Pathway to Employment
- “Such a blessing”
- “Ban the Box” policies may hurt the job-seekers they aim to help
- For the Sake of Milwaukee’s Children, Get Cops Back in MPS Schools
- Police banned, crime a daily occurrence in MPS schools
- Our Guiding Principles on Criminal Justice Reform
- Ensuring Opportunity: Altering Wisconsin’s Safety Net to Encourage Upward Mobility
- Chance to Enact Flat Tax Just Got a Whole Lot Bigger
- A municipal spending quandary
- The compass parents owe kids
- The other epidemic: Overspending
- Seeking higher standards
- Wisconsin’s Increasingly Uncompetitive Tax Structure
- Tax Reform Options to Improve Wisconsin’s Competitiveness
- A Roadmap for Healthcare Reform in Wisconsin
- Religious liberty in education reduces, not produces, strife
- Eleven Years Later, Act 10 Takes Down a Onetime Union Stronghold
- An Epidemic of Decline
- Parents don’t have to settle for a race to mediocrity
- Big price, smaller opportunities
- Wisconsin Losing Ground to Tax-Reforming Peers
- Getting to the meat of ARPA spending
- Policy Brief: Forgiving Student Loan Debt
- Killers and Thieves Walking Free
- Next time, listen to parents
- Survey: UW System grads mostly satisfied with college experience, outcomes
- Expertise as a public good
- A foundational change
- Family and school deterioration is a troubling combination
- Policy Brief: Unemployment (Over)Compensation
- Parents didn’t start the fire
- Facts should matter more in climate change debate
- Power politics: Dairyland wisely explores zero-carbon nuclear; greens not cheering
- Government can’t prevent death
- DPI: Department of Public Inaccuracy
- Progress made on tracking the trillions
- Wisconsinites embracing school choice
- A Badger Institute Policy Brief: School Choice and Property Taxes
- The new academic racism
- The Wild West at MPS
- Undeterred crime deters business
- A run on disinfection robots
- A judicial tool, no crystal ball
- No patience for ‘Latinx’
- Studies find correlation between good oral health and lower risk of severe COVID infection
- Wisconsin must tackle labor shortage. That means rolling back expanded aid.
- Parents revolt against education bureaucracies
- Federal unemployment insurance benefit slowed employment growth
- Policy Analysis: Rethinking the evaluation of police shootings
- LISTEN: Angela Rachidi discusses employment and the safety net
- Employment and the Safety Net During the Pandemic
- Wisconsin mayors embrace emerging local welfare plan
- An Independence Day Message from President Mike Nichols
- Wisconsin Legislature Passes Several Pro-Growth Tax Reforms
- A special need for dental care
- Filling a gap for the disadvantaged
- Occupational Licensing in Wisconsin: A Roadmap for Reform
- Wisconsin’s Surplus Presents Opportunity for Down Payment on Future Economic Growth
- Government and venture capital don’t mix
- Use Caution in Interpreting Relationship Between Offender Race and Prison Sentencing
- Julie Grace and Jenna Bottler: Wisconsin voters overwhelmingly support criminal justice reform
- Ensuring Safety, Sobriety and Savings
- A legacy of transformation
- Proposed expungement law would mostly help misdemeanants
- Statewide Criminal Justice Poll
- ‘A breath of fresh air’
- Removing the lower rung of the ladder
- Dental therapists making a difference in Minnesota, a decade of data shows
- Evers’ big government solutions for social problems
- Few marijuana offenders in prison
- Criminal Justice Reform Recommendations
- Wisconsin’s PPP Loan Recipients Face Hundreds of Millions in Surprise Taxes
- Reforming Community Supervision
- Nearly 1,000 out-of-state health care providers help Wisconsinites during pandemic
- Telehealth Changes
- The Hop: Federal monies create a ‘financial anvil’ for Milwaukee
- Just the Facts
- Just the Facts
- Black Education Matters
- Improving Wisconsin Works Transition for low-income families
- How to Make Police Discipline Fair, Quick, Transparent and Decisive
- Wisconsin DOC classifies as violent many more offenses than does the FBI
- Police Use of Force: How common is it?
- Universal licensure recognition bills gain momentum
- Tax Options to Promote Short-Term Recovery and Long-Term Economic Growth in Wisconsin
- Analysis: Teaching intolerance in the guise of promoting tolerance
- Analysis: Madison school district’s lenient discipline policy is a dismal failure
- Informed communities are safer communities
- Racial Disparities in the Criminal Justice System in Wisconsin
- Iowa adopts model occupational licensing reform package
- The pandemic and the UW System
- A victory over regulatory expansion
- State budget realities make new prison construction unlikely
- Civil Society in a Time of Pandemic
- Universal licensure recognition works
- The Cost of Shutting Down Wisconsin’s Economy
- Teaching cursive and/or coding: Where should Wisconsin draw (or type) the line?
- Paving the way for Tesla
- WMC unveils model for re-opening Wisconsin businesses
- Timing important on compassionate release
- Outside government: compassion, innovation, flexibility
- Less driving, less tax revenue
- State law inflates prescription drug costs
- Analysis: Crisis is no excuse for abandoning fiscal restraint
- Telemedicine to the rescue
- Guidelines for addressing an emergency
- Analysis: Governor, courts shift virus risks, responsibilities onto county jails
- Analysis: Wisconsin’s military licensing reciprocity law a model for broader reform
- State licensing barriers hindering healthcare workers during crisis
- Stuck on the sidelines
- Bill to apply a tax on propane sales sets a bad precedent
- Claim that violent crime is up 24% statewide is wrong
- Unintended Consequences
- Legislation puts more kids in the loop
- New bills would make it easier for Wisconsinites to work
- Tougher on Taxpayers
- A voice for consumers
- Protectionist and restrictive
- Legislature right to consider options to licensure
- ‘Sunrise review’ would inform legislators about impact of proposed occupational licenses
- Problems with prosecutor funding in Wisconsin
- Wisconsin’s Missing Rung
- A Primer on Occupational Licensing
- A missed chance for bipartisanship on licensure reform
- Why hiring the previously incarcerated is good business
- Adjusting the occupational licensure mindset
- A Thanksgiving prayer for America
- Patients reap the benefits of dental therapy
- Taking a bite out of the dental care access problem
- Absence and Violation
- Wisconsin should consider using some of its surplus revenue for expensing reform
- Where dental therapy is longer in the tooth
- Proposed rule change would increase SNAP integrity
- Why are Wisconsin’s highways in the bottom third nationwide?
- Dental therapy would provide access to the many Wisconsinites who lack dental care
- Occupational licensing reform in Wisconsin should be bipartisan issue
- Assembly Bill 195 is a good start for teachers and schools
- Economic impact of UW campuses is overstated
- The demise of Illinois’ flat tax
- Labor shortage stems from minority education gap
- Misconceptions on tolling’s potential
- Licensure reforms fuel entrepreneurs across Wisconsin
- Ex-Offenders Under Watch
- Transportation system of the future
- Reforming Paratransit
- Leaving Illinois for Wisconsin
- Overall tax reform in Wisconsin depends on the sales tax
- Expungement reform would put people back to work
- Minimum Wage
- Transportation Funding Dilemma
- State-Local Spending in Wisconsin
- Allowing dental therapists would increase access to oral health care
- The Foxconn lesson: State should level the playing field, not offer firm-specific incentives
- The absurdity of PSC’s ‘avian mortality study’
- Dental Therapists
- Wisconsin Tax Options
- Marriage Penalty
- Ban the Box Policies
- Overcoming a mountain of occupational regulation in Wisconsin requires more than baby steps
- A green light for fixing Wisconsin’s Interstates
- Illinois’ loss could be Wisconsin’s gain
- Wisconsin should reform process for commercial property assessments
- Criminal Justice Reform Recommendations
- Book: Federal Grant$tanding
- Online Sales Tax Revenue Presents Opportunity for Permanent, Comprehensive Tax Reform in Wisconsin
- Wisconsin: A Blueprint for More Workers
- Another reason new federal law should prompt Wisconsin tax reform
- Give the state treasurer a job
- Arbitrary tax breaks neither good policy nor good economics
- Wisconsin Trends
- Sunshine Week: Records request illustrates lack of transparency of federal school funding
- New tax law offers chance to infuse private capital into distressed areas
- Private school principals say federal funding process is flawed
- New federal tax law should prod Wisconsin to enact tax reform
- Licensing reform could fulfill aspiring chiropractor’s lifelong dream
- Tolling is the only realistic solution to transportation funding dilemma
- Educators decry feds’ heavy-handed approach toward local schools
- Teachers want to help kids, not do paperwork
- Wisconsin’s chiropractic requirements need adjustment
- Resolutions for Wisconsin policy-makers
- Wisconsin school officials want federal role in local education reduced
- Occupational licensing reforms signed into law
- Schools hire pricey specialists to deal with federal grant rules
- Invasion of the federal bean counters
- It’s time to look at Wisconsin tax reform
- Cutting federal grants can be political suicide for elected officials
- Betsy DeVos vows to free local educators from paperwork
- WI legislators missing opportunity to take control of education
- Federal rules distort local education policy
- Foxconn deal: Costs certain, but a potential for large gains
- Foxconn deal: What will the future of LCDs mean for Wisconsin?
- Foxconn deal: Why Wisconsinites should be skeptical
- Foxconn deal: Unprecedented decision, disparate opinions
- Foxconn deal: There are better ways to create jobs and growth
- Lowering age minimum to 15 could help ease Wisconsin’s lifeguard shortage
- Look down the road in transportation funding debate
- Restricting on-site sales by wineries, craft brewers would hinder free market
- State legislators should focus on these tax numbers
- Are high taxes driving away workers from Wisconsin?
- State licensure rules stand in way of on-demand barbering startup
- Policy resources for Wisconsin lawmakers
- Green Bay barber stymied by state licensing rules
- Follow the money: Federal grants are the key to constraining bureaucracy
- Giving greater voice: The fight for equal rights for crime victims
- The cost of Wisconsin’s opioid crisis
- Black Robes & Blue Collars
- Wisconsin should act now on Interstate tolling
- A new approach for occupational licensing in Wisconsin
- Government’s Love for Licensure
- A common-sense approach to teacher licensure in Wisconsin
- Massage therapist finds continuing education requirements for licensing onerous
- Salon owner says Wisconsin licensing hurdles make it tough for small businesses
- Long ordeal to get licensed in Wisconsin frustrates aspiring hair stylist
- Sunshine Week: Federal grant funding obscures how government is funded, diffuses accountability
- Is Milwaukee a ‘donor’ city?
- HUD leaves unanswered key questions regarding tribe’s use of federal funds
- Help students succeed before they get to college
- Rising prison population will force state to consider options, DOC secretary says
- EITC expansion will help Wisconsin’s low- and middle-income workers
- The bureaucratic ‘skim’ of federal school funding
- The federalization of Wisconsin DPI
- Presentation to Assembly Committee on Federalism and Interstate Relations
- Pathways Milwaukee guides students toward success in college
- ‘Fair Housing’ rule critic considered for HUD secretary
- Unlocking Potential
- Fixing colleges is hard, but here are ideas on how to start
- Governing local is governing best
- Keeping ‘real money’ local helps solve real problems
- Congressman calls for more investigation into tribes’ spending of federal grants
- West Allis school district weaning itself from some federal money
- Analysis: Cash-strapped school districts burdened by federal grant regulations
- Duffy calls for HUD action on tribe’s misuse of funds
- While poverty persists for St. Croix Chippewa, tribe officials misuse federal funds, audit shows
- Tribes in Wisconsin and across the U.S. misusing millions in federal housing funds
- St. Croix Chippewa members have decried council secrecy for years
- Back to the Drawing Board
- The black community’s first steps toward progress: responsibility and introspection
- Chris Abele’s zero state taxes is a non-story
- Milwaukee streetcar operations not fully funded
- A day that helped restore faith for this veteran
- More government aid doesn’t rein in college costs
- A business approach to helping ex-inmates and the chronically unemployed
- Ridesharing helps curb drunken driving
- An unlikely alliance to connect Milwaukee job-seekers to employers
- Who’s Really Winning the Border War?
- Study counts the cost of ‘free’ federal money
- Minimum markup law: Why is this relic still on the books?
- The Trouble with Tenure
- Real-World Impacts of Wisconsin’s Minimum Markup Law
- Why Wisconsin remains a tax hell
- School choice: A success story
- Lessons for liberal arts majors from recent UW grads
- Madison’s monopoly on state office sites
- Walker still has chance to embrace federalism
- Creating a direct pipeline from high school to tech jobs
- Debate over Wisconsin beer law comes to a head
- How Madison stole Milwaukee’s prosperity
- The impending depletion of Disability Insurance trust fund
- Despite naysayers, skills gap exists
- Pave the way for direct primary care in Wisconsin
- IT worker shortage in central Wisconsin near ‘crisis’
- A worthy local government program to combat poverty
- Senate remembers – finally – that Madison is not Washington
- Time to review Wisconsin’s tuition reciprocity agreements
- New arena for Milwaukee isn’t a panacea
- The black-on-black unpleasant truths
- Children with special needs discriminated against – until now
- Prevailing wage law rife with problems
- Beyond the Ivory Tower
- Real-World Impacts of Prevailing Wage
- Recognize the costs of increasing minimum wage
- There’s a better way to select Wisconsin’s chief justice
- An imbalance in public funding for UWM
- Parents deserve a choice on where to educate children with special needs
- What’s a conservatarian?
- Violence-Free Zones making a difference in Racine
- Take this federal money or else …
- Wisconsin economy moving toward head of the class
- In support of special needs scholarships
- Tackle violence without demonizing police
- The tiff over training
- Labor battling public sentiment and new economic era
- MPS needs an overhaul; Milwaukee kids deserve better
- The one-size-fits-all federalization of local police departments
- Revitalizing the entrepreneurial spirit of blacks in Milwaukee
- Is it time for nonprofits to pay property taxes?
- The Economic Impact of a Right-to-Work Law on Wisconsin
- Consuming news without a printed newspaper
- Wisconsin, not federal judges, should manage wolf population
- The conservative response to climate change
- There’s no polarization on special needs vouchers
- The EPA’s proposed ozone standard and what it could mean for Wisconsin
- What Wisconsin can learn from Illinois’ fiscal predicament
- Right-to-Work: Freeloading or Just Freedom?
- Poverty Growing Quickly Among Single Mothers in Wisconsin – Conservatives Can Help
- Milwaukee’s Quiet Crisis: 10 years later
- It’s Time to Toll
- Wisconsin Has a Spending Problem
- Only One Sure-Fire Way Out of Poverty
- What Do Millennials Really Want? (And Where Wisconsin Fits In)
- Raising Wisconsin’s Minimum Wage: Who would be helped? Who would be hurt?
- Funny What We Get Worked Up About
- Can State Pull Its Punches? New Tax Policy Needed to Help Wisconsin Prosper
- Stop Using the Word “Outsourcing”
- Higher Ed Quandary: Women Lean In; Men Tune Out
- The root of urban violence is a sick culture, not guns
- Millennials Have Major Problem
- Milwaukee’s inner city needs good fathers
- Clumsy Special Needs Framework Falls Short
- Robert Woodson: Milwaukee Key to New U.S. Approach to Fighting Poverty
- The real story about those job numbers
- The best bet for SE Wisconsin may not be a casino
- Modern Dems Could Learn from Lucey
- WIAA’s ‘1.65 Solution’ Hurts Private Schools in the Name of Sports Equity
- Reflections on Paul Ryan’s Listening Tour
- Unrealized Potential: The Need for Accountability in Wisconsin’s Special Education Programs
- Good Riddance. What’s Next for MPS?
- Obamacare Not Bending the Curve, Just Throwing One
- District Charter School Change a Needless Distraction
- What’s Thwarting Charter School Expansion? Follow the Money.
- Walker Shouldn’t Roll Dice on Kenosha Casino
- How to Correct our Schools of Ed
- Crisis Averted, Damage Done
- New Casino is Not the Answer for Kenosha
- Keep Public Information Public to All
- Can the Proposed Voucher Accountability System Work?
- Giving Credit to Private Schools
- Walker’s Budget Vetoes: Caving in or Offering Leadership?
- Recovery Schools Can Break the Education Monopoly
- Big Government Can be Small
- What Joint Finance Missed on Education
- Pathway to Success for Milwaukee Schools
- The Milwaukee Residency Requirement Should Go
- After Two Long Years, DOJ Finds No Discrimination
- Understanding School Finance in Wisconsin: A Primer
- The State of Marriage in Wisconsin
- The Impact of Disruptive Students in Wisconsin Public Schools
- Should Wisconsin Allow Commercial Bail in Pretrial Release?
- The Economic Impact of Wisconsin’s Renewable Portfolio Standard
- How Wisconsin is Failing to Help Students with Disabilities
- A Fresh Take on an Old Reliable: Milwaukee and Manufacturing
- Do Additional Casinos Make Economic Sense for Wisconsin?
- Using Value-Added Analysis to Raise Student Achievement in Wisconsin
- The History of the Recall in Wisconsin
- The Economic Power of Early Childhood Education in Wisconsin
- A Modern Teacher Compensation System for Wisconsin
- Rebuilding and Modernizing Wisconsin’s Interstates with Toll Financing
- And Now for Something Different
- Why Milwaukee’s Police are More Effective Than Their Teachers
- What Economists Won’t Tell You: Why Competition Works
- An Essential Turnaround Project: The Reform of State Government Operations
- Failing our Children: Wisconsin’s Deficit in Teaching Personal Finance and Economics
- The Wisconsin State Highway System: Needs and Resources 2011-2020
- Run Away! Must We Protect our Schoolkids from Bunnies?
- Ernie’s Take on Mark Miller
- Oh! The Lies Liberals Tell!
- The Right Debate
- The Wisconsin Public Union Protest Dictionary
- Teacher Licensure in Wisconsin – Who is Protected: Parents or the Education Establishment?
- Voter ID? How About Candidate ID?
- Let’s Feed the Goose that Lays the Golden Eggs
- Why Wisconsin Needs a Supermajority Requirement to Raise Taxes
- Making the University of Wisconsin System More Accountable Through Greater Autonomy
- The Negative Side of Negative Politics
- Refocus Wisconsin
- Cutting to a Broader Truth
- The Imbalance Between Public and Private Pensions in Wisconsin
- Wisconsin’s State Budget Outlook: The Worst is Yet to Come
- A Critical Element of Reform of Milwaukee Public Schools: The Escalating Cost of Retiree Health Insurance
- The Economics of Climate Change Proposals in Wisconsin
- The Case for Term Limits in Wisconsin
- We Tried This Before, and it Didn’t Work
- Stopping the Revolving Door: Reform of Community Corrections in Wisconsin
- Value Added Testing: Improving State Testing and Teacher Compensation in Wisconsin
- Mandated K-12 Testing in Wisconsin: A System in Need of Reform
- The State Budget Deficit: A Self-Inflicted Wound
- Expected Migration Impacts of the Healthy Wisconsin Program: New and Serious Challenges on the Horizon
- Wisconsin Speaks 2008
- The Wisconsin Citizen Survey November 2008
- Government Retiree Health Benefits: Wisconsin’s Ticking Time Bomb
- The Wisconsin Citizen Survey August 2008
- Wisconsin’s Minimum Markup Law: Government-Mandated Pain at the Pump
- Will Healthy Wisconsin Bust the State Budget?
- Why Milwaukee Health Care Costs are High: What to do About It
- Moving the Milwaukee Economy Forward
- The Economic Impact of Immigration on Green Bay
- Wisconsin Speaks December 2007
- The Wisconsin Citizen Survey December 2007
- The Exploding Use of Debt to Finance Government in Wisconsin
- Fixing the Milwaukee Public Schools
- Renewing the University of Wisconsin System
- The Achievement Gap in Milwaukee Public Schools
- The Truth Behind Wisconsin’s Oil Company Tax
- The Benefit of Cable Competition in Wisconsin
- The Mounting Cost of Deferred Responsibility in Government
- An Evaluation of The Wisconsin Health Plan
- Wisconsin Voters Show Strong Support for the Death Penalty
- Wisconsin Speaks September 2006
- The History of Health Care Costs and Health Insurance
- Jim Doyle Leads Mark Green in Governor’s Race
- Retirement Migration in Wisconsin
- The Wisconsin Citizen Survey June 2006
- The Milwaukee Teacher Residency Requirement
- Concealed Carry Legislation
- Critical Issues in the Regulation of Electric Utilities in Wisconsin
- Encouraging Growth Companies in Wisconsin
- The Status of High School Education in Wisconsin
- Wisconsin Speaks 2005
- The Wisconsin Citizen Survey October 2005
- A Wisconsin Telecommuncations Policy Primer
- Education That Works in the Milwaukee Public Schools
- Road to Nowhere
- Financial Delusion
- Health Insurance for Wisconsin Public Schools
- Raising the Sales Tax to Lower the Property Tax
- Wisconsin Speaks November 2004
- Limiting Government Spending in Wisconsin
- The Wisconsin Citizen Survey September 2004
- Jobs in the New Millennium
- State Revenue Forecasting in Wisconsin
- Health Insurance in Wisconsin
- Wisconsin’s Quiet Crisis
- The Wisconsin Citizen Survey November 2003
- Wisconsin Works: Only Work Should Pay
- Government Pollution
- Why Wisconsin Has High Taxes
- Wisconsin’s Public Schools – An Economics-Free Zone
- Reforming Wisconsin’s Budget for the Twenty-First Century
- An Economic Tales of Two Cities
- Raising Taxes in Wisconsin: Measuring the Full Costs
- Rebuilding the Marquette Interchange Via a Public-Private Partnership
- Cooperation Not Consolidation
- Income Success Among Former Wisconsin Welfare Recipients
- The Wisconsin Citizen Survey September 2002
- The Growth of Special Education in Wisconsin
- Evaluating World History Texts in Wisconsin Public High Schools
- Consolidating Dane County Law Enforcement Agencies
- The Wisconsin Citizen Survey March 2002
- Not Exactly a Fair Share
- Disappearing Wisconsin Welfare Recipients
- Chartering the University of Wisconsin-Madison
- The Politics of Civil Liberty on Campus
- The Wisconsin Citizen Survey September 2001
- Draining Away
- Performance-Based Pay for Teachers in Wisconsin
- Competitive Contracting and Privatization Options in Wisconsin State Government
- Direct Instruction and the Teaching of Early Reading
- Economic Lessons for Welfare Mothers
- Health Insurance for Public School Teachers in Wisconsin
- The Wisconsin Citizen Survey October 2000
- The Costs and Benefits of Smaller Classes in Wisconsin
- The Roaring Nineties
- The Wisconsin Citizen Survey July 2000
- Outstanding Warrants in Milwaukee County
- The Effect of NAFTA on Wisconsin
- Standards-Based Education Reform in Wisconsin
- Teen Pregnancy in Wisconsin
- Pumping Up Gas Prices in Wisconsin: The Effects of the Unfair Sales Act on Retail Gasoline Prices
- How School Choice Almost Died in Wisconsin
- The Wisconsin Citizen Survey August 1999
- Homeschooling in Wisconsin
- Privatizing Parole and Probation in Wisconsin
- The Medically Uninsured in Milwaukee
- School to Work in Wisconsin
- The Impact of Government on Wisconsin Agriculture
- The Wisconsin Citizen Survey August 1998
- The Business of Drug Dealing in Milwaukee
- Private Prison-Industry Enterprises
- The Truth About Sentencing in Wisconsin
- Light Rail in Milwaukee
- Privatizing Welfare in Wisconsin
- The Educational Performance of Hmong Students in Wisconsin
- Teaching Environmental Education to Wisconsin Teachers
- The Impact of Indian Casino Gambling on Metropolitan Green Bay
- Wisconsin Citizen Survey August 1997
- Deregulating Teacher Training in Wisconsin
- Wisconsin’s Regional Economies, 1991-1996
- New Strategies for Environmental Problems in Wisconsin
- Casinos and Crime in Wisconsin
- Reforming Public Education in Wisconsin
- The Social Costs of Gambling in Wisconsin
- Environmental Education in Wisconsin
- Who Really Goes to Prison in Wisconsin?
- The Decline of Welfare in Wisconsin
- The Value of Fringe Benefits and Tenure in Wisconsin
- The Green Bay Packers
- Prison Works
- Expanded School Choice in Wisconsin
- Broken Bottles
- The Economic Impact of Native American Gaming in Wisconsin
- Black Public Opinion in Milwaukee
- The New Paternalism in Action
- Ending Welfare in Wisconsin
- The Impact of the North American Free Trade Agreement on Wisconsin Industries
- The University of Wisconsin System
- Dual Education in the Madison Metropolitan School District
- Why MPS Doesn’t Work
- Community-Based Policing in Wisconsin
- Innovative Approaches to Health Care in Wisconsin
- Getting Milwaukee to Work
- Educational Choice in Wisconsin
- An Evaluation of Public and Private Earnings in Wisconsin
- The Milwaukee Parental Choice Program
- Probation in Wisconsin
- Parole in Wisconsin
- Welfare Spending in Milwaukee County
- Restructuring Wisconsin’s Educational System
- Challenging Our Brightest Students
- The Hmong in Wisconsin
- Crime and Punishment in Wisconsin
- Knowledge and Technology Transfer in Wisconsin
- Fiscal Accountability in Milwaukee’s Public Elementary Schools
- Local Taxes, Spending and Public Accountability: How Wisconsin Compares
- Privatizing Welfare in Brown County
- Evaluating Wisconsin’s Teachers
- The Financial Impact of Out-of-State-Based Welfare In-Migration on Wisconsin Taxpayers
- Wisconsin’s Shrinking Educational Advantage
- An Evaluation of State-Financed School Integration in Metropolitan Milwaukee
- The Lack of Confidence in Public Education in Wisconsin
- Educational Choice
- Welfare In-Migration in Wisconsin
- The Rising Costs of the “Chapter 220” Program in Wisconsin
- The Wisconsin Citizen Survey
- Wisconsin’s Internal Brain Drain
- The Wisconsin Citizen Survey
Press Releases
- Badger Institute launches initiative to help explain August constitutional amendment votes
- The cost of banning fossil fuels for home heat in Wisconsin’s cold climate
- Dental therapy approval: A win for Wisconsinites
- Badger Institute praises Legislature for taking up recommendations on prosecutor and public defender pay
- Badger Institute research quantifies economic benefit of flat tax for Wisconsin
- Badger Institute Promotes Angela Smith to EVP, Adds Directors
- Badger Institute commends new flat tax proposal for Wisconsin
- Badger Institute commends Michels’ call for a flat state income tax
- Wisconsin’s Criminal Justice System Failing
- Influential Wisconsin Groups Launch Coalition for Education Freedom
- Ed Feulner, former president of the Heritage Foundation, to keynote Badger Institute Annual Dinner
- Press Release: The Case for Bold Tax Reform in Wisconsin
- Badger Institute adds managing editor, three visiting fellows
- Wisconsinites overwhelmingly support work requirements, police in schools
- Badger Institute adds health care expert, economist to visiting fellows program
- Badger Institute Applauds Bipartisan License Reform
- Legislature advances six Badger Institute-supported bills
- Badger Institute launches Mandate for Madison
- Streamlined licensing process becomes law
- Gov. Evers signs bill requiring transparency in police hiring
- Oppose tax increase on Wisconsin families
- McIlheran joins Badger Institute to lead Mandate for Madison project
- Policy brief: Despite Wisconsin’s strong economic recovery, participation in government programs remains high
- Wisconsin taxpayers to benefit from tax withholding change
- OPINION: Last Call to Save Milwaukee Public Schools
- Seeking Fall Interns
- Evers administration should update income tax withholding schedules to align with tax relief
- Hair braiders free to practice in Wisconsin
- Governor, Legislature deserve applause for meaningful tax reform
- Badger Institute commends Gov. Evers, Legislature for new police reform laws
- Wisconsin Assembly passes three police reform bills and expungement reform
- Badger Institute launches new podcast series “Free Exchange”
- Badger Institute, WILL release roadmap for licensing reform
- Coalition urges passage of expungement bill
- Free Market Coalition venture capital letter
- Badger Institute hires development director, digital marketing manager
- Education Reform Letter to Wisconsin Lawmakers
- Badger Institute commends Senate passage of dental therapy bill
- New poll reveals overwhelming support for reforming Wisconsin’s criminal justice system
- Policy Brief: Few marijuana offenders in Wisconsin go to prison
- Roadmap for common-sense criminal justice reform
- Expungement Reform Circulated in Legislature
- Analyzing DOC proposed changes to community supervision
- Police discipline in Wisconsin rare, lacking in transparency
- Report: W-2 Transition Program Fails to Connect Low-income Parents with Work
- Force used in 3% of arrests in biggest Wisconsin cities
- Wisconsin Free Market Coalition: Extend Regulatory and Licensing Relief
- Badger Institute report: partial shutdown costs state $178.9 million in lost GDP every day
- Free-market coalition applauds responsible reforms contained within coronavirus relief package
- Free-Market Coalition COVID-19 Letter to Legislators
- Free-Market Coalition: 7 Ways to Help Workers, Economy During Crisis
- Continue to Cut Red Tape to Fight Pandemic
- Wisconsin’s Missing Rung
- Taxpayers Taken for a Ride
- Badger Institute Calls for New Tolling Study
- Administration should not divert state highway funds to Milwaukee streetcar
- New Hire Will Enhance Badger Institute Digital Media Efforts, Audience Development
- Ex-offenders under watch
- Leaving Illinois for Wisconsin
- Badger Institute growth continues
- Badger Institute seeks new public affairs, communications staffers
- Tax Foundation analyzes tax proposals in Gov. Evers’ budget
- Wisconsin Tax Options: A Guide to Simple, Fair, Pro-Growth Reform
- Badger Institute applauds movement toward dental therapy
- WI legislative leaders say tolling necessary for upgrading, maintaining highway system
- Expungement reform will help nonviolent offenders gain employment
- Badger Institute grows team, moves to larger office
- Partners in Hope: A journey of second chances
- Federal government slowly taking over state budget, policy-making and workforce
- Badger Institute report offers blueprint for increasing labor force participation in Wisconsin
- Online sales tax revenue presents opportunity for permanent, comprehensive tax reform in Wisconsin
- Rethinking Wisconsin’s Highways with Robert Poole
- Badger Institute names two new visiting fellows
- Governor signs bill reforming chiropractic licensure standards
- Tax attorney Jay Miller named Badger Institute visiting fellow
- Badger Institute launches Center for Opportunity
- Value-added tolling would address Gov. Walker’s concerns
- Common-sense licensure reform bills headed to governor
- Badger Institute on tax reform
- WPRI is now the Badger Institute
- Wisconsin’s ESSA plan
- Federalization of DPI
- Federal audits on school spending
- Rep. Duffy calls for HUD response to tribe’s misuse of funds
- UW graduation rates holding back Wisconsin
- Institute launches ‘Federal Grant$tanding’ project
- Welcome to PRImings
- Tom Howatt elected board chairman of WPRI
- Badger Institute testimony for AB 8 and SB 4 (2025)
- Badger Institute testimony for AB 1 (2025)
- Badger Institute 2024 Judiciary and Public Safety Testimony
- Badger Institute 2023 Dental Therapy Testimony
- Mike Nichols 2023 Licensure Testimony
- Katherine Loughead 2023 Tax Reform Assembly Testimony
- Mike Nichols 2023 Flat Tax Senate Testimony
- Mike Nichols 2023 Expungement Testimony
- Michael Jahr 2022 Licensing Reform Testimony
- Angela Rachidi Foodshare testimony
- Michael Jahr 2022 Marriage Penalty Testimony
- Mike Nichols 2022 Federal Spending Testimony
- Julie Grace Occupational Licensure Streamlining Testimony
- Julie Grace Criminal Justice Reform Testimony
- Julie Grace Interior Design Testimony
- Julie Grace Senate Expungement Testimony
- Julie Grace 2021 Licensure Testimony
- Julie Grace 2021 Assembly Expungement Testimony
- Mike Nichols Licensure Testimony
- Julie Grace Hair Braiding Senate Testimony
- Julie Grace Police Reform Testimony
- Julie Grace 2021 Dental Therapy Testimony
- State distribution of federal funds requires accountability, transparency
- Julie Grace Hair Braiding Testimony
- Julie Grace Licensure Reform Testimony
- Jason Hicks Dental Therapy Testimony
- Julie Grace 2019 Dental Therapy Testimony
- Julie Grace Expungement Law Testimony
- Amanda Berkley Chiropractic Licensure Testimony
- Mike Nichols’ Prevailing Wage Testimony
- Mike Nichols’ Right-to-Work Testimony
- Ron Johnson: Solutions for U.S. debt and spending debacles
- Explained: Wisconsin’s Constitutional Amendment Vote
- With half-empty schools, MPS asks to empty your pockets
- Badger Institute: Fighting for a Freer Wisconsin
- Video: Badger Institute 2023 Legislative Impact
- Wisconsin Governors’ Veto Power: A Brief History
- Answering the accountability question for Wisconsin choice and charter schools
- The charter school giving Beloit kids a future — and how to properly fund it
- Celebrating character by closing Wisconsin’s school funding gap
- Funding gap: Wisconsin choice and charter schools shortchanged
- Some public schools ARE underfunded
- One mom’s wish for educational opportunity
- Funding Wisconsin students for lives of purpose
- “A child is a child is a child”
- Reconnecting men
- “Choice schools have a higher standard”
- School Choice: Answer to a mother’s prayer
- Newsmakers: State of Schools in Wisconsin
- Video: A successful school journey
- Florida’s corrections data law: A model for Wisconsin
- It’s Time to Reform Wisconsin’s Expungement Law
- Parents don’t have to settle for a race to mediocrity
- An Epidemic of Decline
- Critical Race Theory and the Miseducation of America’s Youth
- Dental Therapy: A Free Market Healthcare Solution
- MPS: Failing the Students
- Christmas Message 2021
- Happy Thanksgiving 2021
- 2021 Annual Dinner
- 2021 Year in Review
- Bob Woodson: “Radical Grace Theory” alternative to Critical Race Theory
- It’s Time to Reform Wisconsin’s Expungement Law
- Florida’s corrections data law: A model for Wisconsin
- Hope for America
- How Missouri Passed the Best Licensure Reform Bill in the Country
- Occupational licensing regulations undermine public health in the name of protecting it
- Badger Institute Symposium: Roundtable on Work, Poverty & Federal Safety Nets
- The Joseph Project
- The Importance of Work and Lifting People Out of Poverty
- Dental therapy in Wisconsin
- Taxpayers Taken for a Ride: The Milwaukee Streetcar
- Dental Therapy Testimony
- Michigan’s model for cutting crime, closing prisons and curtailing costs
- Testimony on expungement law reform
- Occupational licensing: At what cost?
- Wisconsin’s ideal pro-growth tax structure
- Transportation needs and funding
- Proven successes in criminal justice reform
- Wisconsin’s dental access problem
- WisEye Morning Minute: Expungement reform bill news conference
- Breaking the cycle of incarceration
- Private school principal coping with flawed federal funding system
- Federal paperwork impacts Wisconsin teachers
- New law makes it easier on barbers
- Support the Badger Institute
- WPRI becomes the Badger Institute
- Introduction to Badger Institute
- The impact and influence of the Badger Institute
- Why the Badger Institute?
- Interstate tolling: Robert Poole webinar
- Green Bay barber Albert Walker stymied by state licensing rules
- Long ordeal to get licensed in Wisconsin frustrates aspiring hair stylist Cassie Mrotek
- Salon owner Krissy Hudack says licensing hurdles make it tough for small businesses
- Unlocking Potential: Full Program
- Unlocking Potential: Chris Petko
- Unlocking Potential: Jon D. Ponder
- Unlocking Potential: Q&A Session
- Unlocking Potential: Rebecca Kleefisch
- Unlocking Potential: Robert L. Woodson Sr.
- Unlocking Potential: Todd Fasulo
- Think tank says corrections reform needed
- Life as a campus conservative
- Robert Woodson on Milwaukee, Welfare Myths and New Ways to Fight Poverty
- Robert Woodson: Political Competition
- Robert Woodson: Problems of the Rich
- Robert Woodson: The Nuclear Family and Surrogates
- Robert Woodson: Violence-Free Zones
- Blended / Online Learning Event in Milwaukee
- Spring 2023
- Stealing from our children
- Dire need of accountability
- Bang for the private school buck
- Government Infrastructure Spending Beset with Widespread Cost Overruns*
- Courts clogged
- The new capitalism
- Editor’s Note
- Spring 2022
- Building moral character
- A foundational change
- Act 10 is 10
- An assault on free speech
- Let private venture capital work its magic
- An infrastructure Trojan horse
- Pressing on with government venture capital
- Black and Conservative
- Overwhelmed by COVID-19 relief
- Wisconsin mayors test guaranteed income
- A welfare spasm to dwarf the Great Society
- Editor’s Note
- Fall 2021
- Vast majority of victims were elderly
- Operation Vaccination
- A pandemic tipping point
- Another $5.7 billion for Wisconsin governments is insane
- Floating the little guy
- A pandemic rivalry in the St. Croix Valley
- An artificial boom
- Spring 2021
- Medicaid on Red Alert
- Editor’s Note
- Students bear brunt of COVID-19 inequality
- Pandemic population push?
- State readies for absentee ballot crush
- The wrong prescription
- With police in retreat, view from Fond du Lac Ave. is bleak
- MPS not done with BLM at school
- Violent: a matter of definition
- Civil War hero canceled
- Q&A with Kevin McMahill
- Police use of force rare here
- Editor’s Note
- Fall 2020
- Spring 2020
- Frontlines: Building something that lasts
- Environmentalism is a conservative value
- Socialist dream failed in Ripon
- Great Lakes’ natural fluctuation
- Harmful history of government set-asides
- Editor’s Note
- Paving the way for Tesla
- Fall 2019
- Culture Con: Madison school district assumes it knows best
- Frontlines: An unwavering trailblazer
- DNC convention: Who’s gonna pay?
- Tax on wealth is counterproductive
- Carl Sandburg recounts his disenchantment
- Wealth tax doomed Emil Seidel
- Legislators in lockstep
- Federal programs won’t go away
- Patients reap the benefits of dental therapy
- Where dental therapy is longer in the tooth
- No need for state-run student loan refinancing
- The limited role for government in easing the retirement-savings problem
- The perils of state-run retirement plans
- Opportunity Zones stray from original intent
- A Housing Authority subsidiary with a social mission
- Government’s unfair housing foray
- Editor’s Note
- The resurrection of socialism
- Victor Berger: Virulent bigot
- Editor’s Note
- Protecting history or promoting agendas?
- Culture Con: The changing landscape of retail exemplifies free enterprise at work
- Is it high time to legalize in Wisconsin? No…
- Frontlines: On his own terms
- Is it high time to legalize in Wisconsin? Yes…
- Guest Opinion: Courage as a modern virtue
- The Hop’s influence is a flop
- Spring 2019
- Are pro-business Republicans heading for a slippery slope?
- A dubious honor
- The ironic facts: Women flourishing at UW and other colleges
- Seeking to fill a void
- UW women’s studies program now offers 100 courses
- Paying too high a price
- In Wisconsin, we have a front-row seat to the pitfalls of liberal media bias
- On a mutually beneficial course
- Hidden agenda?
- Editor’s Note
- Fall 2018
- From the ground up: A profile of Badger Mining Corp.
- The road to driverless transit
- Conservative young Wisconsin women defy stereotypes
- Marriage is a foreign concept to some
- Regional approach offers solution
- Celebrating marriage
- Clinging to an old picture
- Eschewing marriage
- Tax incremental financing is a recipe for abuse
- Time to burn: So few fires to fight
- Tax incremental financing: Valuable tool or crony capitalism?
- Editor’s Note
- Spring 2018
- Government grows at expense of private sector
- Fall 2017
- Taking a seat: A profile of Daniel Kelly
- Culture Con: How times have changed for conservatives in America
- The shameless chase for federal money
- The Age of Trump: View from a supporter
- Act 10 savings torpedoed
- The Age of Trump: View from a Never Trumper
- Madison’s goofy, divisive flag flap
- The future of Foxconn
- Our frozen melting pot … and who’s responsible
- The festering mess that is Illinois
- Editor’s Note
Wisconsin Interest
- Tough Noogies
- Dave Obey’s Big Payoff
- Spring 2017
- Spring 2016
- Fall 2016
- Spring 2015
- Fall 2015
- Spring 2014
- Fall 2014
- November 2013
- Our Dinner with Young Conservatives
- Uncertainty and Fear Grip Employers and Insurers as Obamacare Nears its Launch
- My dad at war
- Too Good to be Ignored
- Inside MPS
- The Prism of School Choice
- “We Got Through It”
- August 2013
- Worthy of Honor
- The Left’s Last Hurrah
- Walker’s Spring Roll
- Mining Success
- Walker or Ryan?
- Latino Conundrum
- Time to Confront Crackpots
- How a Bill Does Not Become a Law
- April 2013
- The Day of Reckoning Nears
- Power Up!
- Still the Fighter
- Badger State (Still) Rising
- Serving Whose Interests?
- Badger Exceptionalism
- Que Pasa Republicano?
- 30 Miles: And a World Apart
- November 2012
- Reflections on the June 5 Recall
- The Subsidy Game
- Reflections on the June 5 Recall
- The Party that Couldn’t Say No
- Political Misdirection
- Teed Off!
- MPS’ Looming Fiscal Crack-Up
- Reflections on the June 5 Recall
- Fighting Bob’s Sad End
- Reflections on the June 5 Recall
- Churchill Got it Right
- July 2012
- MVPs: Rodgers and Walker
- What If?
- Hiding Behind the Kids
- Walker Had No Choice
- Half Crazy, Half True
- The Empire Strikes Back
- Disorder in the Court
- New Guy, Same Agenda
- Anatomy of a Failed School District
- March 2012
- Why Wisconsin’s Labor Fight is Crucial
- Looking Out for #1
- Tough Challenges Ahead
- It’s Taps
- Resurrection
- Dispatches
- Prosser Agonistes
- Mark Pocan’s Smoke Screen
- “She Walks Her Own Path”
- November 2011
- Number Crunchers on a Mission
- Yes, There Is a Free Lunch
- Not What You Think
- Walker Boldly Recasts School Reform
- Game On!
- Turning Point
- Game Changer
- The Revolution that Wasn’t
- A Revolution Undeterred
- September 2011
- Why He Did It
- The Coming Battle
- Thornton’s Losing Battle
- The Class of 2010
- The Winter of Rebirth
- That Presidential Look
- The Walker Way
- Saving Young Black Men
- The Fight to Curb Free Speech
- How Daniels Got His Budget Act Together
- March 2011
- Really Big
- Fall Reckoning
- People Do Stupid Things
- End Times for Progressives?
- Milwaukee’s Story
- Don’t Misread the Mandate
- It’s Morning Again in Wisconsin
- Befuddled Democrats
- How Johnson Won
- “It’s Put Up or Shut Up”
- November 2010
- Rebel Without a Pause
- Web Extra: Behind the Scenes with Paul Ryan
- Presidential Deafness
- The UW-Madison’s Diversity Problem
- Milwaukee’s School Experiment Shows Promise
- The Great Train Robbery
- Justice Decried
- Spring Backward
- Consider the Humble Candidates
- Ryan’s First Election: The Longshot Brings it Home
- A Fresh Take on Urban Schooling
- July 2010
- Stepping Up
- Getting Ahead
- Youthful Indiscretions
- Fraud… Who Cares?
- Winter Takedown
- Dead Idea Walking
- When “A” Stands for “Average”
- A Parent’s Education
- “Debts No Honest Man Could Pay”
- March 2010
- Limited Government for a Reason
- What Does Youth Want?
- How Teachers Learn to be Radicals
- The Doyle Disappointment
- Crime Comes to a Madison Neighborhood
- Rebel With a Cause
- Autumnal Follies
- Mommy, What Does a Union Member Look Like?
- Anatomy of a Failed Idea
- November 2009
- Wisconsin Flunks its Economics Test
- MATC’s Reality Moment
- Under Fire
- Letters to the Editor
- Summit Meeting
- GenNextGOP
- Railroaded!
- Bring on the Stats Nerds
- Party of One
- “Diversity” Takes an Odd Turn
- July 2009
- Miracle at St. Marcus
- Why Conservatives Like Me are So… Negative!
- Letters to the Editor
- Who Cares About Voter Fraud?
- Have Voters Grown Weary of Kathleen Falk?
- What’s the Matter with Wisconsin?
- Doyle Fires a Warning Shot at Walker
- Paperless Future
- Can the GOP Strike Again?
- MPS’ Parental Enticement Program Spent Freely, Widely
- A Hard Winter, but Spring Brings Hope
- March 2009
- Spring 2007
- Fall 2007
- Winter 2007
- Spring 2006
- Fall 2006
- Winter 2006
- Spring 2005
- Fall 2005
- Winter 2005
- Spring 2004
- Fall 2004
- Winter 2004
- Spring 2003
- Fall 2003
- Winter 2003
- Spring 2002
- Fall 2002
- Winter 2002
- Spring 2001
- Fall 2001
- Winter 2001
- Summer 2000
- Fall 2000
- Winter 2000
- Spring/Summer 1999
- Fall/Winter 1999
- Spring/Summer 1998
- Fall/Winter 1998