In 2023, the drug most often identified in samples sent by law enforcement to the State Crime Lab was meth, which accounted for 1,378 of the 4,805 samples tested — more than cocaine or heroin or fentanyl or even THC, the active ingredient in cannabis.
Wisconsin’s biggest metropolis enjoys the third-highest concentration of manufacturing jobs in the country. The EPA’s redesignation, dropped with little warning in early December, could kill that.
What do Wisconsinites want in 2025? Just the chance to buy a modest house and heat it affordably. A safe place away from gunshots and a job that pays the bills. And a really good school where kids feel safe and hopeful.
In the 12 years leading up to Act 10, school levies across Wisconsin rose 72%, compared to 31% in the dozen years after that up to and including 2024.
Wisconsin ought to show mercy to families struggling with childcare costs by re-examining which cost-escalating regulations actually matter for kids.
When Wisconsin’s high school graduates find out the rest of life hasn’t lowered the bar for “proficiency,” when they find out they’ve been misled, it will be a cruel slap of reality.
Small nuclear modular reactors are a big deal for Wisconsin, given our developing AI economy and Gov. Evers’ Clean Energy Plan.
It’s time for Wisconsin to listen to voters and re-establish a work requirement for able-bodied FoodShare recipients.
“There are communities that have decided they just don’t want to grow,” said Chad Lawler, who heads the Madison Area Builders Association.
If we all reject violence in politics, why does a Milwaukee mural honor a woman who shot up the U.S. Capitol?
Housing market and financing shouldn’t be its concern Key members of the Milwaukee Historic Preservation…
A planned solar farm in central Wisconsin may claim the greater prairie-chicken as an unintended casualty.
Many Wisconsin independents and conservatives were hoodwinked this week into voting against the two constitutional amendments that together would have given legislators shared responsibility with the governor over big buckets of federal spending.
Opponents of constitutional amendments use tornado scare tactics — don’t believe them
The opponents of constitutional amendments that would give legislators say along with the governor on…