Browsing: Taxes

Education Task Force: New Wrapping Can’t Disguise Old Ideas George Lightbourn – Fall 2004 Read More… Revenue Forecasting and the…

Could Campaign Finance Reform Happen Here? Read More… The Sorry State of Economic and Financial Education in Wisconsin Read More……

An Act to Remember Read More… The Tax Revolt of 2003 Read More… Celebrating Western Civilization Read More… Wisconsin’s Budget…

Early in the postwar era, Wisconsin was not among the nation’s highest-taxed states, as measured by state and local taxes.1 Relative to personal income, Wisconsin’s tax burden flirted with the “top ten” during those years, but did not reach it. That changed in 1963 when the full effect of sales and income tax increases enacted

By Roger Parks, Ph.D., Ronald Oakerson, Ph.D. Throughout the 1980s and into 1990, Wisconsin has labored over the twin issues of property tax relief and the control of state/local spending. The two concerns are interrelated, but differently focused. Effective property tax relief requires local tax restraint; otherwise tax dollars spent for relief may instead finance increases in