Research by the University of Chicago’s William Howell delves into levels of support for tenure among various groups of faculty, whether tenure is a good measure of quality, the possibility of renewable contracts as an alternative to tenure, academic freedom concerns and the use of post-tenure review.
December 2015
Poll finds that support is also high for public funding of special needs students in private schools and Common Core.
January 2015
Wisconsinites are deeply divided over Gov. Scott Walker’s plans regarding public employee benefits, wages and unions, according to a Badger Institute poll showing 51 percent somewhat or strongly opposed and 46 percent somewhat or strongly in favor.
March 2011
A majority of Wisconsinites polled between Nov. 15-17 oppose the Milwaukee-to-Madison rail project, and opposition grows slightly as respondents learn more about it.
November 2010
Although Wisconsinites are pessimistic about the direction of both the state and the country and remain anxious about the economic situation, there are some green shoots of optimism in public attitudes.
March 2010
Poll covers economy, state’s direction, 2010 election, Obama health care plan and school reform efforts in Milwaukee.
October 2009
Wisconsin residents oppose raising taxes on business profits by a range of 73% opposing it while only 19% supported raising taxes. These are among the key findings about statewide policy issues from the most recent survey of 600 Wisconsin residents.
November 28, 2008
Controlling health care and prescription drug costs continues to be a major concern of Wisconsin residents in terms of the problem that most needs attention from state government.
November 26, 2008
A slight majority believe they received a better education than students do today. And residents support major reforms in teacher compensation.
November 19, 2008
82% of Wisconsin residents are now invested in the stock market through mutual funds, individual stocks or pension plans. In addition, 71% of our residents now believe that the stock market has a great deal of effect on the United States economy. They also believe that the stock market is a risky investment.
November 18, 2008
Jobs and the economy are the No. 1 concerns in Wisconsin. Residents continue to be disillusioned with the integrity of their state government and political leaders.
November 14, 2008
Senator Barack Obama holds a 44% to 38% lead in Wisconsin over Senator John McCain in the presidential race.
August 7, 2008
In the ongoing clash between Brett Favre and Green Bay Packers management, the Wisconsin public clearly favors Packers management.
August 6, 2008