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Browsing: Crime and Justice
Students in Milwaukee’s public high schools who want a better life and know that school is their only way up are being battered, assaulted and exposed to gunfire or other reckless conduct on a daily basis.
The Milwaukee Police Department responded to 1,310 calls for service at 34 MPS-controlled high schools in the 2021-’22 school year,
Like all government programs, the criminal justice system must be evaluated on the basis of cost-effectiveness and outcomes. Wisconsin’s current…
Who wins and who loses?
May 25, 2022aStudent debt forgiveness schemes are both inefficient and unfair policies for helping low-income families.
Criminals are emboldened if they think they won’t get caught
Survey solicits opinions on health care, crime, occupational licensing, and other issues.
Neither secret or unprecedented, business dispute docket helps all Wisconsinites.
Pandemic made the problem of delayed justice worse in Wisconsin
Unless kids are killed or maimed, gun battles at school are just police blotter items.
Pulling cops out of public schools was a crazy idea.
Pretrial risk assessment should be expanded, not scrapped, advocates say
Four Badger Institute police reform recommendations have been signed into law
A proposal to enhance public credibility
These bipartisan, even-handed measures will provide better data, accountability
Reforms recommended by Badger Institute will increase transparency, work opportunities
Conservative organizations, business groups support commonsense reforms
Badger Institute Policy Analyst Julie Grace testified in favor of 2021 AB 108, AB 109 and AB 110 before the Wisconsin Assembly Committee on Government Accountability and Oversight on May 18, 2021..
These bills would increase transparency in the Wisconsin criminal justice system.
State Supreme Court Justice Rebecca Dallet wrote recently, according to a story in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, that a study on race and prison sentencing in Wisconsin “confirms what I and many others have been saying, which is that we have a long way yet to go to have a system that truly treats all equally.
Badger Institute Policy Analyst Julie Grace testified in favor of 2021 SB 78 before the Wisconsin Senate Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety on May 6, 2021.
2021 SB 78 would reform Wisconsin’s expungement laws.
Wisconsin voters often split evenly on big elections and key issues. But voters on the right and the left agree on the dire shortcomings of the state’s corrections system and the need for reform.