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Browsing: Economy and Infastructure
Dave Obey isn’t bone-tired after all. When the former House Appropriations chairman stunned the Beltway — and his district back…
Even before the pandemic, U.S. entitlement spending was on an unsustainable path, the growth in means-tested safety net programs far outstripping inflation.
Turns out, as it always does when you look at where federal tax dollars end up in this country, Wisconsin is bringing up the tail end in the scramble for COVID cash.
January 13, 2022
The century-old progressive income tax is no longer a viable model
Tax reform options to improve Wisconsin’s Competitiveness
A new report from the Tax Foundation and the Badger Institute offers five comprehensive tax reform options to enhance Wisconsin’s tax competitiveness by reducing harmful taxes on labor and investment.
New additions will contribute to investigative reporting, Mandate for Madison
As you fill up with gas that as of Thursday averages $4.84 a gallon in metro Milwaukee, remember that the progressive movement in Washington, D.C., long has wanted fuel to be priced as a luxury good.
Policymakers should advance reforms that prioritize GSP, personal income growth
By now, the health emergency has little to do with it
Survey solicits opinions on health care, crime, occupational licensing, and other issues.
Neither secret or unprecedented, business dispute docket helps all Wisconsinites.
At the time the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) released its first major assessment of federal COVID-19 spending in March, more than 400 people had pleaded guilty to defrauding the programs and another 550 had been charged with felony fraud.
With cost overruns on bridge, road and other infrastructure megaprojects in Wisconsin as certain as death, taxes and Packers’ title-run failures, budget hawks are on high alert with new federal money about to inundate the state.
Jimmy Gullberg has 129,200 followers on the social media platform TikTok, many of whom look to him for entertaining advice about his job as a physician assistant in Milwaukee.
This printed magazine — which we’re exceedingly proud of — has remained the same size for years.
Editor’s Note Growing our reach and influenceby Mike Nichols The new capitalism Wisconsin entrepreneurs build communities, careers.By Remso Martinez Badger…
As the COVID-19 pandemic struck the United States in 2020, Congress began shotgunning money out over the country in unprecedented ways.
Climate change alarmism has become a science of its own.
Bipartisan licensure reform legislation backed by the Badger Institute has been signed into law.