News & Analysis

Almost two full years ago, right at the height of a heated legislative debate in Madison over whether to expand school choice, Disability Rights Wisconsin and the ACLU filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Justice alleging that schools in the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program discriminate against children with disabilities.

I hadn’t seen my buddy Ernie in a few months since I had visited him at St. Mary’s.  That day Ernie was sipping ice water through a bent straw looking paler than usual – which is something for a guy who spends his free time either in a tavern or a betting parlor.

Elizabeth Coggs, the new Democratic state representative for the 10th Assembly District in Milwaukee, is against the Voter ID proposal because, she told me today, many poorer residents of her central city district don’t have IDs and would be disenfranchised if one is now required to cast a ballot.